This is to be spoken while a performer acts out a series of fugued actions:

Objekts: Chair, small table, Coffee set, book, random objects

Thedayhas begunThe person sits in a chair looking nowhere/inwards
The fogis liftingshakes head
The birdsare singinglooks around
The sunis risingsees coffee set
Thestarshave hidden themselves once again.Looks at coffee set
Somewhere ababyis crying,picks up coffee pot
Apageis turning,pours coffee into the cup
Acrowis flying.sets coffee pot down
a bridgeis burning.looks at coffee cup
The sound of laughteris heard once again.picks up saucer and cup
 Today a newspaperwill be readlooks around
cupwill be emptieddrinks coffee
Afirewill be litstands up
Astorewill be readied.walks around behind chair
A streetwill fill with people once again.drinks coffee
Thefactorycomes to life.looks around
Thefamilygets into a carsees object one O1(location?)
Thecommitteediscusses the possibilities.drinks coffee, looking at object
The workerssit down to lunch.sets coffee cup and saucer down on table
Thechildrenplay hide and seek once again.sees object two O2 on table next to coffee set
Nowhere is there a songto be sung,Picks up object two
A hatto be worn,looks at object one and two
deerto be hunted,goes to O1 with O2
Abattleto be won.does something to O1 using O2
Thewindowsare dark once again.Sets O2 next to O1
Theworldturns around once again.Picks up O1
   Looks at O1 in hands
Theworldhas begunLooks in wings
Thedayis liftingTakes O1 out to wings
The   fogis singingLeaves O1 in wings
The birdsare risingStands looking into wings
Thesunhas hidden itself once again.reaches into wings and takes Object three
Somewherestarsare crying,Inspects object three
Ababyis turning,Walks back to table
Apageis flying.Sets O3 on Table
acrowis burning.Looks at O3, Table, Coffee Set Chair
The sound of  bridgesare heard once again.Moves to stand in front of chair
 Today laughterwill be readAND SO ON
newspaperwill be emptied 
Acupwill be lit 
Afirewill be readied. 
Astorewill fill with people once again. 
The streetcomes to life. 
Thefactorygets into a car 
Thefamilydiscusses the possibilities. 
The committeesits down to lunch. 
Theworkersplay hide and seek once again. 
Nowhere are therechildrento be sung, 
A songto be worn, 
 hatto be hunted, 
Adeerto be won. 
Thebattleis dark once again. 
Thewindowsturn around once again. 
Thewindowshave begun 
Theworldis lifting 
The dayis singing 
The  fogis rising 
Thebirdshave hidden themselves once again. 
Somewhere asunis crying, 
Thestarsare turning, 
Ababyis flying. 
apageis burning. 
The sound of a crowis heard once again. 
 Today a  bridgewill be read 
And laughterwill be emptied 
Anewspaperwill be lit 
Acupwill be readied. 
Afirewill fill with people once again. 
Thestorecomes to life. 
The streetgets into a car 
Thefactorydiscusses the possibilities. 
The familysits down to lunch. 
Thecommitteeplays hide and seek once again. 
Nowhere are thereworkersto be sung, 
norchildrento be worn, 
 songto be hunted, 
A hatto be won. 
Thedeeris dark once again. 
Thebattleturns around once again. 
Thebattlehas begun 
Thewindowsare lifting 
The worldis singing 
The dayis rising 
The foghas hidden itself once again. 
Somewherebirdsare crying, 
Asunis turning, 
Andstarsare flying. 
ababyis burning. 
The sound of pagesis heard once again. 
 Today a crowwill be read 
 bridgewill be emptied 
Andlaughterwill be lit 
Anewspaperwill be readied. 
Acupwill fill with people once again. 
Thefirecomes to life. 
Thestoregets into a car 
The streetdiscusses the possibilities. 
The factorysits down to lunch. 
Thefamilyplays hide and seek once again. 
Nowhere is there acommitteeto be sung, 
norworkersto be worn, 
nor childrento be hunted, 
A songto be won. 
The hatis dark once again. 
Thedeerturns around once again. 
Thedeerhave begun 
Thebattleis lifting 
The windowsare singing 
The worldis rising 
Thedayhas hidden itself once again. 
Somewhere fogis crying, 
 birdsare turning, 
Asunis flying. 
 starsare burning. 
The sound of  ababyis heard once again. 
 Today a pagewill be read 
crowwill be emptied 
A bridgewill be lit 
Andlaughterwill be readied. 
Anewspaperwill fill with people once again. 
Thecupcomes to life. 
Thefiregets into a car 
Thestorediscusses the possibilities. 
The  streetsits down to lunch. 
Thefactoryplays hide and seek once again. 
Nowhere is there afamilyto be sung, 
Acommitteeto be worn, 
 workersto be hunted, 
norchildrento be won. 
The songis dark once again. 
The hatturns around once again. 
The hathas begun 
Thedeerare lifting 
The battleis singing 
The windowsare rising 
Theworldhas hidden itself once again. 
Somewhere adayis crying, 
And fogis turning, 
 birdsare flying. 
asunis burning. 
The sound of starsis heard once again. 
 Today a babywill be read 
pagewill be emptied 
Acrowwill be lit 
A bridgewill be readied. 
Andlaughterwill fill with people once again. 
Thenewspapercomes to life. 
Thecupgets into a car 
Thefirediscusses the possibilities. 
The storesits down to lunch. 
The streetplays hide and seek once again. 
Nowhere is there afactoryto be sung, 
Afamilyto be worn, 
committeeto be hunted, 
Norworkersto be won. 
Thechildrenare dark once again. 
The songturns around once again. 
The songhas begun 
The hatis lifting 
The deerare singing 
The battleis rising 
Thewindowshave hidden themselves once again. 
Somewhere aworldis crying, 
Anddayis turning, 
A fogis flying. 
andbirdsare burning. 
The sound of the sunis heard once again. 
 Today starswill be read 
babywill be emptied 
Apagewill be lit 
Acrowwill be readied. 
A bridgewill fill with people once again. 
Thelaughtercomes to life. 
Thenewspapergets into a car 
Thecupdiscusses the possibilities. 
The firesits down to lunch. 
Thestoreplays hide and seek once again. 
Nowhere is there a streetto be sung, 
Afactoryto be worn, 
familyto be hunted, 
Acommitteeto be won. 
Theworkersare dark once again. 
Thechildrenturn around once again. 
Thechildrenhave begun 
The songis lifting 
The  hatis singing 
The deerare rising 
Thebattlehas hidden itself once again. 
Somewherewindowsare crying, 
Andworldis turning, 
Adayis flying. 
and fogis burning. 
The sound of birdsis heard once again. 
 Today the sunwill be read 
And starswill be emptied 
Ababywill be lit 
Apagewill be readied. 
Acrowwill fill with people once again. 
The bridgecomes to life. 
Thelaughtergets into a car 
Thenewspaperdiscusses the possibilities. 
The cupsits down to lunch. 
Thefireplays hide and seek once again. 
Nowhere is there astoreto be sung, 
A streetto be worn, 
factoryto be hunted, 
Afamilyto be won. 
Thecommitteeis dark once again. 
Theworkersturn around once again. 
Theworkershave begun 
Thechildrenare lifting 
The  songis singing 
The  hatis rising 
Thedeerhas hidden itself once again. 
Somewherebattleis crying, 
Andwindowsare turning, 
Aworldis flying. 
anddayis burning. 
The sound of  fogis heard once again. 
 Today birdswill be read 
And sunwill be emptied 
 starswill be lit 
Ababywill be readied. 
Apagewill fill with people once again. 
Thecrowcomes to life. 
The bridgegets into a car 
Thelaughterdiscusses the possibilities. 
The newspapersits down to lunch. 
Thecupplays hide and seek once again. 
Nowhere is there afireto be sung, 
Astoreto be worn, 
 streetto be hunted, 
Afactoryto be won. 
Thefamilyis dark once again. 
Thecommitteeturns around once again. 
Thecommitteehas begun 
Theworkersare lifting 
The childrenare singing 
The  songis rising 
The hathas hidden itself once again. 
Somewheredeerare crying, 
And thebattleis turning, 
Awindowsare flying. 
and aworldis burning. 
The sound of the dayis heard once again. 
 Today  fogwill be read 
And birdswill be emptied 
Asunwill be lit 
Andstarswill be readied. 
Ababywill fill with people once again. 
Thepagecomes to life. 
Thecrowgets into a car 
The bridgediscusses the possibilities. 
The laughtersits down to lunch. 
Thenewspaperplays hide and seek once again. 
Nowhere is there acupto be sung, 
Afireto be worn, 
storeto be hunted, 
A streetto be won. 
Thefactoryis dark once again. 
Thefamilyturns around once again. 
Thefamilyhas begun 
Thecommitteeis lifting 
The workersare singing 
The childrenare rising 
The songhas hidden itself once again. 
Somewhere a hatis crying, 
thedeeris turning, 
Abattleis flying. 
andwindowsare burning. 
The sound of the worldis heard once again. 
 Today thedaywill be read 
And the  fogwill be emptied 
Thebirdswill be lit 
And thesunwill be readied. 
Thestarswill fill with people once again. 
Thebabycomes to life. 
Thepagegets into a car 
Thecrowdiscusses the possibilities. 
The  bridgesits down to lunch. 
Andlaughterplays hide and seek once again. 
Nowhere is there anewspaperto be sung, 
Acupto be worn, 
fireto be hunted, 
Astoreto be won. 
The streetis dark once again. 
Thefactoryturns around once again. 
Thefactoryhas begun 
Thefamilyis lifting 
The committeeis singing 
The workersare rising 
Thechildrenhave hidden themselves once again. 
Somewhere songis crying, 
And the hatis turning, 
Thedeerare flying. 
and abattleis burning. 
The sound of windowsis heard once again. 
 Today theworldwill be read 
And adaywill be emptied 
The fogwill be lit 
Andbirdswill be readied. 
Asunwill fill with people once again. 
Thestarscomes to life. 
Thebabygets into a car 
Thepagediscusses the possibilities. 
The crowsits down to lunch. 
The bridgeplays hide and seek once again. 
Nowhere is therelaughterto be sung, 
Anewspaperto be worn, 
cupto be hunted, 
Afireto be won. 
Thestoreis dark once again. 
The streetturns around once again. 
The streethas begun 
Thefactoryis lifting 
The familyis singing 
The committeeis rising 
Theworkershave hidden themselves once again. 
Somewherechildrenare crying, 
And a songis turning, 
A hatis flying. 
and adeeris burning. 
The sound of the battleis heard once again. 
 Today windowswill be read 
And the worldwill be emptied 
Adaywill be lit 
And fogwill be readied. 
Thebirdswill fill with people once again. 
Thesuncomes to life. 
Thestarsget into a car 
Thebabydiscusses the possibilities. 
The pagesits down to lunch. 
Thecrowplays hide and seek once again. 
Nowhere is there a bridgeto be sung, 
 Laughterto be worn, 
newspaperto be hunted, 
Acupto be won. 
Thefireis dark once again. 
Thestoreturns around once again. 
Thestorehas begun 
The streetis lifting 
The factoryis singing 
The familyis rising 
Thecommitteehas hidden itself once again. 
Somewhereworkersare crying, 
And thechildrenare turning, 
A songis flying. 
and a hatis burning. 
The sound of the deeris heard once again. 
 Today thebattlewill be read 
And windowswill be emptied 
Aworldwill be lit 
Adaywill be readied. 
The fogwill fill with people once again. 
Thebirdscome to life. 
Thesungets into a car 
Thestarsdiscuss the possibilities. 
The babysits down to lunch. 
Thepageplays hide and seek once again. 
Nowhere is there acrowto be sung, 
A bridgeto be worn, 
 Laughterto be hunted, 
Anewspaperto be won. 
Thecupis dark once again. 
Thefireturns around once again. 
Thefirehas begun 
Thestoreis lifting 
The  streetsare singing 
The factoryis rising 
Thefamilyhas hidden itself once again. 
Somewhere acommitteeis crying, 
And theworkersare turning, 
Thechildrenare flying. 
and a songis burning. 
The sound of the  hatis heard once again. 
 Today thedeerwill be read 
And abattlewill be emptied 
 Windowswill be lit 
And theworldwill be readied. 
Thedaywill fill with people once again. 
The fogcomes to life. 
Thebirdsget into a car 
Thesundiscusses the possibilities. 
The starssit down to lunch. 
Thebabyplays hide and seek once again. 
Nowhere is there apageto be sung, 
Acrowto be worn, 
 bridgeto be hunted, 
 Laughterto be won. 
Thenewspaperis dark once again. 
Thecupturns around once again. 
Thecuphas begun 
Thefiresare lifting 
The storeis singing 
The  streetis rising 
Thefactoryhas hidden itself once again. 
Somewhere a familyis crying, 
And thecommitteeis turning, 
AWorkersare flying. 
andchildrenare burning. 
The sound of the  songis heard once again. 
 Today a  hatwill be read 
And a deerwill be emptied 
Abattlewill be lit 
Andwindowswill be readied. 
Aworldwill fill with people once again. 
Thedaycomes to life. 
The foggets into a car 
Thebirdsdiscuss the possibilities. 
The sunsits down to lunch. 
Thestarsplays hide and seek once again. 
Nowhere is there ababyto be sung, 
Apageto be worn, 
crowto be hunted, 
A bridgeto be won. 
Thelaughteris dark once again. 
Thenewspaperturns around once again. 
Thenewspaperhas begun 
Thecupis lifting 
The fireis singing 
The storeis rising 
The streethas hidden itself once again. 
Somewhere afactoryis crying, 
And afamilyis turning, 
Acommitteeis flying. 
andworkersare burning. 
The sound of the childrenis heard once again. 
 Today a songwill be read 
 hatwill be emptied 
Adeerwill be lit 
Andbattlewill be readied. 
Thewindowswill fill with people once again. 
Theworldcomes to life. 
Thedaygets into a car 
The fogdiscusses the possibilities. 
The birdssit down to lunch. 
Thesunplays hide and seek once again. 
Nowhere are therestarsto be sung, 
Ababyto be worn, 
pageto be hunted, 
Acrowto be won. 
The bridgeis dark once again. 
Thelaughterturns around once again. 
Thelaughterhas begun 
Thenewspapersare lifting 
The cupis singing 
The fireis rising 
Thestorehas hidden itself once again. 
Somewhere a streetis crying, 
And thefactoryis turning, 
Afamilyis flying. 
and acommitteeis burning. 
The sound of the workersis heard once again. 
 Today childrenwill be read 
And  songwill be emptied 
A hatwill be lit 
Adeerwill be readied. 
Thebattlewill fill with people once again. 
 Windowscome to life. 
Theworldgets into a car 
Thedaydiscusses the possibilities. 
The  fogsits down to lunch. 
Thebirdsplays hide and seek once again. 
Nowhere is there asunto be sung, 
 Starsto be worn, 
babyto be hunted, 
Apageto be won. 
Thecrowis dark once again. 
The bridgeturns around once again. 
Thebridgehas begun 
Thelaughterare lifting 
The newspapersare singing 
The cupis rising 
Thefirehas hidden itself once again. 
Somewherestoreare crying, 
And the streetis turning, 
Afactoryare flying. 
and afamilyis burning. 
The sound of the committeeis heard once again. 
 Today workerswill be read 
And childrenwill be emptied 
A songwill be lit 
And hatwill be readied. 
Adeerwill fill with people once again. 
Thebattlecomes to life. 
TheWindowsgets into a car 
Theworlddiscusses the possibilities. 
The daysits down to lunch. 
The fogplays hide and seek once again. 
Nowhere are therebirdsto be sung, 
Asunto be worn, 
Starsto be hunted, 
Ababyto be won. 
Thepageis dark once again. 
Thecrowturns around once again. 
Thecrowhas begun 
Thebridgeis lifting 
The laughteris singing 
The newspaperis rising 
Thecuphas hidden itself once again. 
Somewherefiresare crying, 
And astoreis turning, 
A streetis flying. 
and afactoryis burning. 
The sound of the familyis heard once again. 
 Today a committeewill be read 
And workerswill be emptied 
Achildwill be lit 
And songswill be readied. 
A hatwill fill with people once again. 
Thedeercomes to life. 
Thebattlegets into a car 
Thewindowdiscusses the possibilities. 
The worldsits down to lunch. 
Thedayplays hide and seek once again. 
Nowhere is there a fogto be sung, 
Norbirdsto be worn, 
No sunto be hunted, 
NoStarsto be won. 
Thebabyis dark once again. 
Thepageturns around once again. 
Thepagehas begun 
Thecrowsare lifting 
The bridgeis singing 
The laughteris rising 
Thenewspaperhas hidden itself once again. 
Somewherecupsare crying, 
And thefireis turning, 
Astoreis flying. 
and a streetis burning. 
The sound of the factoryis heard once again. 
 Today a familywill be read 
And a committeewill be emptied 
Theworkerswill be lit 
Andchildrenwill be readied. 
A songwill fill with people once again. 
The hatcomes to life. 
Thedeergets into a car 
Thebattlediscusses the possibilities. 
The windowsits down to lunch. 
Theworldplays hide and seek once again. 
Nowhere is there adayto be sung, 
A fogto be worn, 
 Birdsto be hunted, 
Asunto be won. 
TheStarsare dark once again. 
Thebabyturns around once again. 
Thebabyhas begun 
Thepageis lifting 
The crowis singing 
The bridgeis rising 
Thelaughterhas hidden itself once again. 
Somewherenewspapersare crying, 
And acupis turning, 
Afireis flying. 
and astoreis burning. 
The sound of the  streetis heard once again. 
 Today thefactorywill be read 
familywill be emptied 
Acommitteewill be lit 
Andworkerswill be readied. 
Thechildrenwill fill with people once again. 
The songcomes to life. 
The hatgets into a car 
Thedeerdiscusses the possibilities. 
The battlesits down to lunch. 
Thewindowsplay hide and seek once again. 
Nowhere is there aworldto be sung, 
Adayto be worn, 
  Fogto be hunted, 
Norbirdsto be won. 
Thesunis dark once again. 
Thestarsturn around once again. 
Thestarshave begun 
Thebabyis lifting 
The pageis singing 
The crowis rising 
Thebridgehas hidden itself once again. 
Somewherelaughteris crying, 
And thenewspaperis turning, 
Acupis flying. 
and afireis burning. 
The sound of the storeis heard once again. 
 Today a streetwill be read 
And a factorywill be emptied 
Afamilywill be lit 
Acommitteewill be readied. 
Theworkerswill fill with people once again. 
Thechildrencome to life. 
The songgets into a car 
The hatdiscusses the possibilities. 
The deersit down to lunch. 
Thebattleplays hide and seek once again. 
Nowhere is there awindowto be sung, 
Aworldto be worn, 
dayto be hunted, 
Nor fogto be won. 
Thebirdsare dark once again. 
Thesunturns around once again. 
Thesunhas begun 
TheStarsare lifting 
The babiesare singing 
The pageis rising 
Thecrowhas hidden itself once again. 
Somewhere abridgeis crying, 
And laughteris turning, 
Anewspaperis flying. 
and acupis burning. 
The sound of fireis heard once again. 
 Today astorewill be read 
And a streetwill be emptied 
Afactorywill be lit 
Andfamilywill be readied. 
Acommitteewill fill with people once again. 
Theworkerscome to life. 
Thechildrenget into a car 
The songdiscusses the possibilities. 
The  hatsits down to lunch. 
Thedeerplays hide and seek once again. 
Nowhere is there abattleto be sung, 
 Windowsto be worn, 
worldto be hunted, 
Adayto be won. 
The fogis dark once again. 
Thebirdsturn around once again. 
Thebirdshave begun 
Thesunis lifting 
The starsare singing 
The babyis rising 
Thepagehas hidden itself once again. 
Somewherecrowsare crying, 
And thebridgeis turning, 
 Laughteris flying. 
and anewspaperis burning. 
The sound of the cupis heard once again. 
 Today firewill be read 
And a storewill be emptied 
The streetwill be lit 
And thefactorywill be readied. 
Afamilywill fill with people once again. 
Thecommitteecomes to life. 
Theworkersget into a car 
Thechildrendiscuss the possibilities. 
The  songsits down to lunch. 
The hatplays hide and seek once again. 
Nowhere is there adeerto be sung, 
Abattleto be worn, 
windowto be hunted, 
Aworldto be won. 
Thedayis dark once again. 
The fogturns around once again. 
The foghas begun 
Thebirdsare lifting 
The sunis singing 
The starsare rising 
Thebabyhas hidden itself once again. 
Somewhere apageis crying, 
Acrowis turning, 
A bridgeis flying. 
Andlaughteris burning. 
The sound of newspapersis heard once again. 
 Today a cupwill be read 
firewill be emptied 
Astorewill be lit 
A streetwill be readied. 
Afactorywill fill with people once again. 
Thefamilycomes to life. 
Thecommitteegets into a car 
Theworkersdiscuss the possibilities. 
The childrensit down to lunch. 
The songplays hide and seek once again. 
Nowhere is there a hatto be sung, 
Adeerto be worn, 
battleto be hunted, 
Awindowto be won. 
Theworldis dark once again. 
Thedayturns around once again.