„Konkretes Theater“ was the title of my residency in April and March of 2022 as part of the #TakeHeart – Flausen programm. I was hosted by EWerk Freiburg Hallen für Kunst. „Konkretes Theater“ was re-searching into non-linear, actualist and concrete performing possibilities, as well as a re-evaluation of their relevance for myself as a performer – and for society at large. Many of the poems and ideas found on this website were created as „by-products“ during this residency. I write „by-products“ because for my future work as an artist, the development of creative processes such as diced (randomly generated) choreography and diced poetry.
I have added several exemplary entries from my residency journal, they give an idea of my thought processes.
Diese Residenz wurde gefördert vom Fonds Darstellende Künste aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen von NEUSTART KULTUR. (english: Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the program NEUSTART KULTUR).
Here is a description in German.
Diese Residenz wird den eigenen kreativen Input/Output für eine zeitgemässe Relevanz und nachhaltige Wirkung überprüfen.
These: Eine theatrale Poesie – frei von Linearität und logischen Schlußfolgerungen – kann tiefer und treffender eine künstlerische Kritik an der Gesellschaft bringen.
Die stilistische Dimensionen dieser Solo-Forschung soll multi-disziplinarisch übergreifend sein.